Vignesh Balagopalakrishnan — Yelp - Group Product Manager

Group Product Manager at Yelp on the Ads team. Previously an engineer and management consultant. 


As a Group Product Manager at Yelp for the last four years, I launched two large advertising products – Yelp Audience Network for SMB advertisers and Yelp Audiences for Enterprise advertisers. I started as the first product manager on this area, built these products ground up and helped scale them into multi-million dollar businesses. The product’s success has been referred to multiple times across Yelp’s earnings calls and in public press coverage. Over this time, I built a team of incredible PMs as well. 


I started my career as a developer at Adobe, and spent a few years as a management consultant helping large tech corporations understand products in areas of emerging technologies. 


Group Product Manager at Yelp owning a product portfolio of advertising products that generate revenue for the company, managing a team of product managers as well.