Prajeet Gadekar — Salesforce - Director Architecture

  • Director Architecture 
  • Help C-level executives at enterprise level customers to realize the value and potential of their technology investments utilizing my deep domain and technology expertise in the Salesforce ecosystem.
    Drive a customer-centric cloud computing agenda and shape the roadmap, architecture and successful execution of the Salesforce platform through hands-on architecture, design, coaching and mentoring of large cross-functional teams.I have spent 20+ years architecting & building technology solutions for the fortune 100 companies that includes leading banks, insurers, hedge funds, hi-tech and the government . Most recently I started working in the Salesforce ecosystem and we have products that cater to a broad range of an enterprise’s need giving me a wide range of experience in these technologies – SAAS, PAAS, CRM Sales & Service, CDP, Marketing tech stack, Data Platforms, Commerce Platforms, Analytical Platforms & AI .

    Bachelor in Computer Science, Certificate program in Machine Learning, CTA the most esteemed certification in the Salesforce ecosystem.