Pooja Singh Mehta — Shell - Global Lead Learning Strategy

Global Lead Learning Strategy 

Part of the OD&L CoE, my role is responsible for integration of learning with other OD functions, including KM, Analytics and causal learning. I am responsible for defining and supporting implementation of the overall learning strategy at Shell, ensuring that we are forward looking and best prepared to deliver high impact learning.

I have over 25 years of experience in Learning and Development. I started my career with supporting young graduates develop professional skills that would make them employable. I then moved to corporate L&D, designing and developing courses and leasing an instructional design team. I have worked on large government projects, supporting skill development of a nation. I have lead branding and marketing of a university to ensure we attract the best match students. In my previous organisation, I had let the design and build of the global learning consulting practice. Now, I lead learning CoE for Shell.

I have a masters in English literature and a post graduate diploma in business management.