Mark Antoine — Inspired Keynotes - CEO

Before I tell you what I do as a speech Coach, Master of ceremony and TV Host, I want to share with you a different image of me.


When I was a kid, I had a double lisp, misaligned teeth, I was very shy and I would always blush and feel anxiety speaking in class.


So for those of you who aren’t comfortable on stage, in meetings or on zoom presenting, trust me, I know the feeling too well.


Today I am the exact opposite of who I was.


I trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London while working for Disney Business Solutions in Paris as an Emcee to pay for my tuition.


As a result:


1/ I introduced speakers on stage from all walks of life, from every Fortune 500 company and from every level of seniority.


2/ I entertained the most difficult crowds: corporate employees who haven’t paid for a ticket to be there – they HAD to be there, captive.


Yet turning a captive workforce into a captivated audience became my passion for the last 18 years.


Now I also help companies create their experience and storytelling on stage, and I help employees who have never been trained in public speaking, be confident and charismatic leaders.


Some of the areas I frequently cover include how to:

– Appear confident, competent and credible in front of any audience

– Capture and maintain the attention and interest of your listeners

– Connect and inspire with executive storytelling

– Look calm under pressure

– Incorporate effective visual aids and avoid Death by PowerPoint™

– Integrate appropriate humor to drive home serious points

– Eliminate “ums,” “ahs,” “you knows” and other distracting habits

– Use body language and voice techniques to “own the room”

– Love the unexpected


My 18 years of experience as a MC for prestigious Fortune 500 companies, as a speech coach for CEOs and all levels of management made me realize one thing: we are all craving to be more influential, to “fit the part”, to get to where we want to be, to be the best version of ourselves.


My clients are worldwide corporations like Airbus, Porsche, Givenchy, Kenzo, the French Presidency of the European Union, French Ministries and other renowned administrations and organisations.