Gabriel Schaepman, VP Himan Resources, Swiss Re Group

 Gabriel Schaepman is HR Vice President at Swiss Re, a global reinsurer and F-500 company. Currently he leads L&D at B2B insurer ‘Corporate Solutions’. 

Specializing in large-scale competency development in the financial services industry, his passion for innovation has garnered a number of industry awards. 

Gabriel partners globally to design outcome-based capability solutions. “Price Tag App” is just one of his commercial ideas creating significant return. 

He led technical training, soft skill training, sales training, global finance capability upskilling campaigns, talent campaigns, leadership development programs, capability assessments for the workforce, was talent partner, and for two years was part of the global DEI team at Swiss Re. 

With 30+ years’ experience in upskilling a global workforce, he mentors refugees seeking work. Despite obvious insurance risks, Zurich-based Gabriel also loves motorbiking in the Alps all year round.